Saturday, January 15, 2011


Friday night...drinking wine with my hubby...
which prompts me to try on my wedding dress from 7 years ago...
which turns into a photo shoot...(with our really bad camera and my unwashed hair)...
which turns into SOOO much fun...
a lot of laughs...lame pictures...& {well, a couple decent ones}...!

I never let anyone look at my original wedding pics (except my nearest and dearest)...
mainly because our photographer really really SUCKED...bad poses...bad places to pose by...
coupled with her really bad attitude... = really bad pictures...

So, I decided that these (along with a few others) will become my new wedding pictures!

Congratulations to Craig and Tara on their wedding...;)

but, happy, in love, dorks! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Tara & Craig :)
    Your wedding dress is gorgeous, and I swear you get more beautiful as the years go fair!! (and I would really, really love to see your "bad" wedding photos, you made me so curious!)



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